Pack and Pray: An Anti-Trafficking Event

Later this month, our church is coming together to help support women who are currently trapped in trafficked situations, practically and prayerfully. There are over 27 million slaves around the world, and multitudes of the women who are trafficked are coerced, tricked, and forced into sex slavery against their own will. These women, made in the image of God,  are violated in every way imaginable–physical, spiritual, emotional, mental.

We can help.

There is hope.

In Christ, there is always hope.

On March 21st, from 7-9 pm at my house, women will come together to pray for those across the world–men, women, and children–who are trafficked. We will be calling out to God on their behalf for freedom, redemption, justice, salvation, and hope. We will be asking God to dismantle the gangs who perpetuate trafficking. We will pray that he will straighten the crookedness in governmental officials who look away when they know slavery is taking place. God hears. He is already bringing freedom and hope in pockets around the world. Just today, The A21 Campaign, one of my favorite organizations, mentioned that four more women were brought to one of their safe houses this week. Four more lives saved out of sex slavery. Four precious women who God dearly loves.

There is hope.

And we can help.

On the same night, we will also be packing up items to help launch a new safe house for trafficked victims that is starting on the West Coast of the U.S. (through our church organization).

If you would like to donate some items and bring them to pack that night, here are the needs:

-Neutral-colored towel sets
-Neutral-colored twin sheet sets
-Toiletries, including shampoo, conditioner, soap, makeup, and skin care items.
-Gift cards to Target

If you do want to donate something, here are some practicals:
-Please bring $3-5 extra dollars in order to help cover shipping costs if you are bringing a tangible item.
-Gift cards will travel better (and more cheaply) than liquids. Although it may seem impersonal, a gift card can go a long way for the safe house right now.

I am thrilled that we have the chance to practically and prayerfully parter with God’s work in the world! Please email me if you have any questions, need directions to my house, or want to drop something off earlier:

Hope to see you there!

Share your thoughts!